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 安藤 萌

  2009年から2012年にかけてフィンランドのLahti University of Applied Sciencesで家具デザインを専攻。2014年からは日本に帰国し、富山大学大学院で木工芸を専攻。ここで木工芸の研究と並行して福祉施設向けのデザインの提案に取り組む。大学卒業後は家具職人として企業に勤めた後、福祉事業所の支援員として木工指導を行い、2018年からは工房を立ち上げて地元の木を使った器やオブジェの制作を始める。


 Moyuru Ando

 I majored in furniture design at Lahti University of Applied Science in Finland from 2009 to 2012.  After I returned to Japan in 2014, I also proposed designs of wooden products for social welfare facilities while researching woodcraft at the graduate school of Toyama University.  After graduation, I worked for a furniture company as a craftsman, and then I taught woodworking at a welfare office as a support worker.  Finally I set up my own workshop in 2018 and have been producing wooden bowls and sculptures using local wood.

 Traditional woodworking requires the technique to control the deformation of wood, but I have changed this procedure and make use of the twists and distortions that occur in raw wood.  Also I do everything from sawing to lacquering by myself without division of labor.  Without using sketches or preliminary drawings, I try to find a simple shape that suits the wood while carving it, and I pursue the accidental beauty created by the free deformation of wood during the dehydration process.  

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